
Trusted Leaders in the Practice of Family Law

Entrust Your Case To Experienced Family Law Professionals

If you are facing a separation or divorce, you are likely experiencing a roller coaster of emotions, including grief, anger, and concern. You may be worried that you’ll never recover financially from divorce. You may be worried about the well-being of your children. You may not know what will happen to your retirement savings or your small business.

Concerns like these are common, and they can cloud your judgment during a critical time. That’s why it is important to work with a family law attorney who is always ready to answer your questions, address your concerns, and advocate for the best outcomes for you and your children. That’s what you can expect when you work with Webb Soypher McGrath.

Our practice is focused on family law, and we have over 80 years of combined legal experience. No matter what your divorce needs may be, we can help.

Representing Clients In A Wide Variety Of Divorce Matters

Our firm offers comprehensive family law representation. We are ready to guide you through the process with skill and efficiency. Our services include representation and advice in:

  • Divorce mediation: This alternative to litigated divorce is growing in popularity because it is often faster, more efficient, and less contentious than traditional litigation. And we have considerable experience in mediated divorce. Attorney Deb Webb is among the top private mediators in Montgomery County.
  • Divorce for business owners: Divorce can be extraordinarily complex when a closely held business is involved. Our attorneys can help you with all aspects of business-related divorce issues, including accurate business and partnership valuations.
  • Spousal support and alimony: There is no formula for spousal support in Maryland or Washington, D.C. Therefore, if you expect to be paying or receiving spousal support/alimony, it is important to negotiate an amount that is fair and sustainable for both parties. We understand the many complicated factors that need to be weighed when calculating support and are ready to guide you through the process.
  • Domestic violence and addiction issues: Family violence is often a factor leading to divorce, and is, therefore, an issue that will impact divorce and child custody decisions. We have considerable experience navigating these difficult issues with clients, as well as related issues like substance abuse and addiction. If there is an immediate need for court intervention and protection from violence, or if you are accused of intrafamily violence and need to understand your best options moving forward, let the experienced attorneys in our firm help you.

Discuss Your Case With Lawyers Who Listen

From our office in Bethesda, Maryland, Webb Soypher McGrath serves clients in Washington, D.C., Montgomery County, Frederick County, and throughout Maryland. To discuss your case with one of our skilled family law attorneys in an initial consultation, call 301-298-8401 or fill out our online contact form.

Feel Empowered To Address Domestic Violence And Addiction

When courts review a case with alleged domestic violence or substance abuse, the allegations have a powerful effect on the court’s approach and the application of the law. If domestic violence or addiction allegations are a factor in your family law dispute, there are additional questions you will need to consider throughout your case. The court’s priority now is to maintain as safe an environment as possible for all parties and their children. Regardless of whether you are have been the victim of an intrafamily offense, or you are accused of the same, your case requires the help of an experienced and qualified legal team.

At Webb Soypher McGrath, our attorneys have over 80 years of combined legal experience. When we approach your case, it is always with your rights and long-term needs in mind. To schedule a time to speak with us, you can call 301-298-8401.

How Domestic Violence And Addiction Accusations Impact Your Case

If someone claims that their ex-spouse was abusive or has substantial and unaddressed addiction issues, the court has a lot of discretionary power. Some examples include:

  • Child custody: The legal system prioritizes a child’s best interest when considering who has legal and physical custody of a child. Physical safety is of utmost importance and is among the first things the court reviews. Allegations of domestic violence and addiction can lead to seriously curtailed access to a child. Parents may appeal these immediate responses, but the process is lengthy, and the court may impose limited or supervised parenting time in the meantime.
  • Alimony/spousal support: In some limited cases, judges will consider fault when determining alimony orders. Divorcees who are victims of abuse or whose spouse has an addiction may be eligible for additional spousal support.

You should also know that the court does not look kindly upon false or exaggerated allegations. If you are unfairly accused of violence or addiction, there are legal ways to fight false claims. We can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.

Experienced Legal Aid From Start To Finish

For comprehensive legal aid that you can rely upon to protect your interests and present the best possible case on your behalf, contact our firm today. Our focus on family law and award-winning representation can benefit you.

Mitigate The Impact Of Divorce On Your Business

If you own a business, you understand that the value and profitability of your business depend on its integrity and ability to function free from interference. Divorce threatens to infringe on your business substantially and can even pose an existential threat to its financial viability. Webb Soypher McGrath, provides proven guidance for business owners throughout the divorce process.

Is your lawyer focused on you? Washington D.C. and Bethesda have many choices when it comes to legal services. At Webb Soypher McGrath, we pride ourselves on service. Not only are our clients satisfied with the care they receive, but they also benefit from the experience and qualifications of our legal team. To find out more about how you can protect your business, call us at 301-298-8401 and set up a time to speak with us in-depth.

Choose The Best Approach For Your Business

As you develop a property division strategy, your attorney will ask you to evaluate your needs and priorities. This will determine the best possible approach to the process. Answering these questions will be difficult; your livelihood may be at risk. However, honest answers will provide the context needed to make the right choice for you. After a complete business valuation, our attorneys will discuss options that include:

  • Negotiating from among your property holdings to keep your business whole.
  • Entering into a silent partnership agreement or purchasing your spouse’s interest in your business.
  • Selling your business either to a different family member like an adult or child or to another company.
  • Maintaining your business as-is through work and profit-sharing agreements.

In some cases, our attorneys may suggest mediation proceedings as an appropriate approach to property division. We excel at mediation services and advocacy. Ask how mediation may benefit your business.

Reach Our Office Online

For quality legal counsel experienced in business negotiations and divorce, schedule a consultation with our attorneys.